Here's the back. It's kind of weird but, oh well. I had to add more fabric to it since I made it too small at first. The only thing that keeps it pretty is Heather's amazing fabric.
The time in the dryer covered a multitude of sins so you can hardly see the wonky stuff. I love all the bumps.
This project has really revived my love for hand-crafted things. What is about something made by hand? When I was outside stitching the binding Joey was next to me finishing another pair of socks for me and it made me feel so content (especially while looking at our garden). I may just have to start grinding flour and baking bread again!
Thanks so much for all the encouragement and advice! I'm taking it all!
What do you think of the new blog layout? I went to try a small change and ended up erasing all of my little details (colors, fonts, banner!) so I stayed up late working it and re-working it until I was happy with it (still re-working a few things). But it's a good start for this week I guess!
Have a wonderful week and don't forget to sew something!